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How to Sleep with a Movie Star

Paperback / ISBN-13: 9780755338269

Price: £6.99

ON SALE: 5th February 2007

Genre: Fiction & Related Items / Romance

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You’re sitting in a swanky restaurant interviewing one of the world’s most gorgeous movie stars. He’s being very, very friendly. Flirtatious, even. What do you do?
(a) Get serious. Slide your number across the table and begin to play footsie with him.
(b) Get up and leave. You’re a highly professional young journalist, and a celebrity fling is the last thing on your mind.
(c) Get confused. Why would such an adored (and adorable) man be interested in you? Even if he is the nicest, most down-to-earth guy you’ve ever met…

When Claire’s glitzy job puts her in exactly this position, she’s not sure what the right answer is. But then she discovers that nothing – and no-one – is ever what they first seem.