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Melted Into Air

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Audiobook Downloadable / ISBN-13: 9781405502306

Price: £13.99

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Frances Angel, drunk and disgruntled, arrives in Italy to attend the I Zingari Art School, leaving behind her dazzling career as a successful theatrical impresario and returning to a distant and painful past. She falls into an eclectic group of performance artists, ex soldiers and a housewife who really just wants to paint something to match her settee. In the village a scale replica of the La Scala opera house becomes the setting for the great drama of Francis’ past to be played out on the world’s smallest stage. Francis expected to find some answers but what she didn’t expect was romance and quite so much farce.


Here's one that slips down easily and aids restful sleep - a delightful new novel . . . A page-turner with great one-liners
Bounces along with the good-natured levity one would expect from this author . . . warmly recommended as a light summer read - to be digested over a grappa in a sunlit Italian piazza
Great verve and energy . . . a real page-turner . . . very funny
Just the thing for the airport delay